2D Shooter Assignment

Major Updates:

  1. Modified game mechanics to require player to destroy all enemy bases (spawners) in order to win, regardless of how many enemies are killed
    1. modified GameManager script and UI accordingly
  2. Modified game mechanics to have a system with a limited amount of ammunition. When the player is out of ammo they must return to the home station to reload or find ammo throughout the level
    1. modified ShooterController and GameManager scripts and created Reload script to handle this system. 
    2. added game objects within each level that represent additional ammo which can be picked up by the player
    3. modified the UI to reflect the amount of ammo the player has remaining
  3. Modified game mechanics to add speed and weapon boosters which can be picked up by the player in each level
    1. created weaponBoost and speedBoost scripts and added Game Objects to each level that can be picked up by the player
  4. Added additional levels (3 total) which increase in both complexity and enemy difficulty as the player progresses

Minor Updates:

  1. Modified enemy spawner prefab to show up as alien bases
  2. Modified enemy prefabs to be more challenging in later levels
  3. Added "Thruster Animation" to player ship
  4. Added "Level Info" screen to beginning of each level


Space Invaders_Win.zip 39 MB

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